Derek and I went to the Chinese Friendship garden on Thursday our day off and it was so beautiful! I loved it... The Chinese gave the garden to NSW in honor of their friendship. There were so many coi fish in the pond it was crazy. I made Chili for my host family +derek and it went over really well. Gail was so surprised it was fun!
On Friday we went to Parliment and we had to dress up and be all snazzy....It was cool to see how the Australian government works. It's a lot like ours but they use different names. We had a tour around the parliment building and this man decided to join ours it was so funny because I think he thought that we were just a tour and not here for a special tour because he completely just joined us and was walking around with us. He even sat in on one of our talks, it was so funny! He finally got the hint when we went in for morning tea and one of the students got up to give our presentations. He got up and walked out....haha.
Derek, Sarah, Haylee, Stacy, Jami and I all went to Bondi beach after the Parliment tour was over. It was really nice there. We just walked around and hung out. Then Derek and Haylee and I came home and watched a movie. Derek and I played Scrabble, he won...booo =]
Oooo we watched Rugby for a while on TV it was so funny to watch and Derek and Haylee got really into it. I kind of fell asleep because I was really tired...haha. It was cool to see how different it is from football or even soccer. We might go and see an actual game sometime. I hear we can get decent tickets for a good price =]
Well I'm about to head off to Bondi again today and go watch Derek and Kory (another ASCer that lives with Derek in Concord housing) go surfing. I think I'm going to bring my homework and read for a while. Then tonight were going out to eat and then to the IP's at school, the IP's are where all of the Drama kids do their major performance, it should be really fun! I heard it's really funny =]
Well thats all for now!
Oh here are some pics:
A Wall in Manly Beach, it reads " Manly, seven miles from Sydney, a thousand miles from care..."
a picture I took for photography class
Derek and I in the Chinese Gardens...
The street into our apartment building complex
The pool outside our apartment building, its too cold to use it yet =[
1 comment:
lovee the picturess!!! esp the one you took for photography class!! glad to hear youre having fun - hope everything goes okay with you and derek and the program and what not. can't wait to hear about more of your adventures! =)
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