Well, on Sunday we went to Toranga Zoo for FAMILY DAY! It was a lot of fun. We headed to the train station and met Derek there. We all took the train in and caught the Ferry over to the Zoo. Gail bought us Ice Cream while we were waiting for the Ferry, it was my first Ice Cream bar since I've been here...and thats a big thing in my family haha, cause you all know we love our ice cream =] The ferry ride over was gorgeous but cold! The wind was blowing every which way. But when we got there it was so beautiful. We took the bus up to the top of the Zoo because the Gondala that you usually take up had a really long line. Once we got there we split up for a little bit and Haylee, Derek and I went off to start exploring. It was so much fun to see all of the animals. We walked into this part of the Zoo that was called "Wild Australia" and the Kangaroos were literally a foot away from you. Most of them were resting because it was a hot day.
The Kangaroos!
Then we met up with Gail, Tinga, Stacey and Kara. We decided to go the the Seal Show but the first time at 1:15 was really crowded so we decided we would come back for the next show. But before we came back for the show we walked around a bit more and saw a bunch more animals. It was fun to just hang out and see something new in the city with the Fam. So then we went back to see the seal show, because they are always my favorite =] I even got a seal stuffed animal at the gift shop, it's so cute! The show was really awesome. I got a video of it to show you guys when I get back.
Pretending to be Seals before the Seal Show!
Stacey, Haylee and I (roomies!
Alex the Seal
Gail left before the seal show because she has been to the Zoo so many times with her other students. So we just met her at home for dinner. After the show we went to see the Asia and Africa Exhibit. They had an amazing exhibit with huge elephants! It was so amazing =]
Giraffes (Mom I know these are your favorite, this picture is for you!)
The Frilled Lizard like in "Rescuers Down Under"
Meerkat catching some rays...
The view fo the harbour from the Zoo...
All of the Roomates minus Gail on an Elephant...
Ok well before I left so many people told me that the Sydney Transportation system is the BEST! ummm not really. Ok ok maybe the trains only because they are always on time and I love that about them because that means that they make up for the buses that come whenver they want. You think I'm exagerating? haha listen to these stories that I think will make you laugh:
So the other day my roomates (Haylee and Stacey) and I were in the computer lab right before were about to head home and Stacey headed down to the bus stop, but Haylee and I stayed and talked to one of the other ASCers (the people in my study abroad group as I would like to call them) Max. So we were talking and I said to Haylee that we should go meet Stacey for the bus because it was supposed to be coming soon. Were in the process of walking down to the bus, taking our time and talking. When I look down the road and see our bus go by. So I said to Haylee, "Oh I think we can take that one (because we can take a lot of buses to our apartment) and Haylee was like yeah I think so too." and we kept talking with Max. Max stared at us and was like "you guys should run for the bus because it's at the bus stop." So Haylee and I start running and I uncontrollably was screaming "STOP WAIT FOR US, STACEYYYYYYY, STOP, WAIT, STACEY WAIT FOR US" and ran up to the bus door. It was the funniest thing because when we got to the bus everyone was staring at us because the bus had been about to pull away...but they heard this garbled voice screaming at the top of her lungs. So when I got on the bus I was hysterical laughing and Stacey hadn't heard a word I had said.....
Another time Haylee, Derek and I were heading back to the apartment after school and we were waiting for the 502 which takes us straight to the park right down from our apartment building. So we watch bus after bus go by and Derek keeps asking Haylee and I if we can take them, and of course we're partial to the 502 bus because it stops so close to our apartment and we don't have to walk as far, and we keep telling him "don't worry its going to come, we can just wait for it" So finally we see the 502 bus and I signal for it (because here you have to hold your hand out to signal the driver to stop because a lot of buses stop at one bus stop) and he starts to slow down, puts his blinker on and goes in the left lane to stop at the bus stop. So I turn around to say something to Derek and Haylee while I'm getting my bus pass out and he speeds up and drives right by us. We ended up walking home from Burwood Mall because the bus didn't come for 45 min.
A couple of other funny things about the buses here...if you don't get to the bus stop 10 min early you can miss the bus because sometimes they come 15 min early, sometimes they come 15 min late and sometimes the don't come at all. It's so funny because they never come at a regular time. Well, This is Australia...
I went shopping with Derek this morning and didn't get anything because I have realized that I am either too short or actually have hips because it is so obvious by there clothes that Australians have neither of those. The clothes that are oh so popular in Australia right now are leggings, dresses to go over leggings, shirts to go over leggings, long and I mean long dresses and boots that leggings go under, oh and did I mention that they like leggings. Which I am so sad to say none of which looks good on me. Ahhhhhh...It's only a little bit frustrating haha, because I want to get into their style but at the same time, I would look like a crazy person if I walked around in these things in the states.
Were going to Canberra this weekend to visit the Capital. It's supposed to be 1 degree celsius to 13 degrees celsius this whole weekend, which is about 33 degrees to 55 degrees. I have a feeling were going to freeze! It's been pretty decent here since we have gotten here the range from 55-75 degrees fareignheit. So hope that this is a good weekend and we have a lot of fun. The up side is that there is a Hot Tub, the downside is that there is 35 of us. AHHH! Let's hope we don't freeze to death. Well I have to go pack because we leave tomorrow morning at 6:30.
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