On Friday we had the last of our orientation and we didn't get out till 5PM. It was a long day and most of us were still jet lagged. We got our schedules and all of that good stuff. Then we ended up deciding to meet in the city and hang out. We were supposed to meet up with the whole group but me and my housemates missed the bus and had to wait 20 minutes for the next one and then take the train into the circular quey. We got there a bit late so the people were already gone. So we decided to just walkabout. We were walking towards the harbour and wanted to take some pictures. I happened to spot the group so we hooked up with them and went to Pancakes on the Rocks. Its open all night and has amazing pancakes! Then we walked around the city and headed home because we were all crashing pretty fast....
My two housemates and going on the train into Sydney!
On Saturday we had the last of our orientation. After a long meeting we went into the city and had a picture scavenger hunt of a bunch of sites in the city. It was fun but I think I pulled a muscle in my leg. AHHH! it hurt but I'll be fine! =]
Then we went on a Cruise around the Sydney harbour and it was Amazing!!!!
sydney harbour bridge...
opera house...
Mary and Matt being silly...
Our director Kimberly posing......
luna park...
We went out to eat after the cruise and had a fun time but we were all pretty tired again when the night was over.
On Sunday Derek and I went into Sydney for a date since we finally had day off, we went and visited the botanical gardens. It was Beautiful! So much fun to just walk around and not worry about being somewhere and having to do something every second. We went to McCafe which is McDonalds here.....it was not the same (weird mayo on the burger) so I have decided not to eat anywhere that I know because I will only be dissapointed. Then we headed over to the rocks because there was this Aroma Festival going on, you could taste coffee for a dollar a cup. There were people singing and everything, it was awesome I didn't try any coffee but it was fun to walk around and everything! We also walked around the Rocks Market, its like an outdoor street fair, it was super fun to look around at, had some fun stuf I might pick up before I head back to the states.
Then we went back to dereks dorm and hung out with some aussies, and just chilled. Later on, we came back to my apartment for dinner with my house mum, my housemates and jess who lives with derek. It was fun!
Well classes start tomorrow, so I should head off to bed.
p.s. the picture option isnt quite working yet I'll have to figure this out but when I do I will upload a bunch so you can see them all ....
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