We went to Manly Beach for one of the ASCers birthday. We met up with them after taking the ferry there, we were late because we missed the bus to the train station. It was a bit of at trek considering we had to walk to the train station and then take a train and then a ferry just to get there. But it was a fun time. We all bonded over the experience of having to walk 30 min to the train.
On of the other students actually went in the water at Manly. It was chilly I wouldn't have wanted to go in....
I went to Spiro Camp on Thursday. It was awesome. We were up at the base of the Blue Mountains. I can't even begin to explain how beautiful it was up there. I didn't really like the speaker but I loved the worship. The band is so talented and they sang a lot of Hillsong Church songs that I really liked. We came back on Friday afternoon, we were all really tired. So I decided to stay home and watch a movie that night. We got back to the aparment just in time for dinner.
A Kangaroo! They had some at the Spiro Camp...
I took this pic while I was watching Derek play Rugby...It was so beautiful there!
Derek came over then and we all watched "Step Up." I love that movie, the dancing is so amazing. Haylee (my housemate) is a dancer so she really enjoyed it. Then Derek and I just hung out and talked for the night until Gail drove him home. She was going to an Organic Food Market at 1:30 anyway. I actually got to sleep in the next day....which was nice because I had been waking up really early every day since we got here, jet-lag and all. It helped to sleep in.
I went over to Dereks on Saturday so we could head into Sydney on our date at Darling Harbour. We went to the Aquarium and it was so awesome! They had all of the Australian animals there. They had these sweet underwater walkways where you could watch the seals and sharks swim up above you. It was really scary but alot of fun. They also had this Great Barrrier Reef Exibit which had a lot of fish and coral in it. That was sweet because they had all of the fish from finding nemo in there. It was so cool to see the actual fish.
A pic of derek and I when we were in the Underwater Seal Tunnel
Then Derek and I went out to eat at this place called Blackbird Cafe in Darling Harbour. It had good food and great music. I really enjoyed just hanging out without the whole group of ASCers because sometimes it can be just a little overwhelming.
On Sunday I just slept in and then started on some homework for Monday. Then Derek came over and we watched "Under the Tuscan Sun" which is a funny movie. After that was over we went out to the mall because we needed to get an art book for class and I needed to get a calling card. We came back and finished our homework and then had dinner. We watched the notebook, which is one of my favorites.
All in all I would have to say that it was a good and relaxing weekend. I have photography tomorrow and I'm really excited because I think that is going to be my favorite class.
Well I'm off to bed...
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