I had two of my classes today...
The View from Australia which was surrisingly interesting and I didn't mind being in for 3 hours. Keith Suter talked to us today about the geography of Australia. I really enjoyed it because I was worried that it was going to be what I had just read in the book, "In a Sunburned Country." But it was refreshing to hear a little about history and a geography that I had never heard about before.
Then I had Photography which was good but not as amazing as last week, we just did all the technical stuff this week. Next week were actually getting some photo shoots in class. So I'm excited about that. We get to go on these excursions on 3 saturdays, so that we can do some photo shoots on location. I can't wait for those.
Then I just went home and hung out there, it was nice to relax for an evening and just get some stuff done. It was kind of a so-so day today. I just had a lot of fun socializing at lunchtime with some ASCers and the Australians. The student body president told me today that she wants to take a bunch of the ASCers out and show us the city. She said it was going to be a surprise though, so I don't know when were going though...She is so lovely I really like her =]
I finally got to call my dad tonight. It was hard because I miss home so much, I wouldn't have thought I would because I have been kind of trying to think about this trip as if I was a freshman again. You know I can't go home until Thanksgiving, but its almost harder because I can't really call as much and I know that I can't go home if I need to. I really miss my parents. It's been fun while I have been here, but I miss them a whole lot and it was so good to talk to my dad tonight. I really needed it. =]
Tomorrow night we have our first movie night at Kimberlys apartment (our director for the ASC program). I think it should be really fun. I can't wait to spend some time just hanging out with everyone...
Ok well I guess I should go to bed....
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Aussie Aussie Aussie, oy, oy, oy!
Oh so much has been going on...
We went to Manly Beach for one of the ASCers birthday. We met up with them after taking the ferry there, we were late because we missed the bus to the train station. It was a bit of at trek considering we had to walk to the train station and then take a train and then a ferry just to get there. But it was a fun time. We all bonded over the experience of having to walk 30 min to the train.

On of the other students actually went in the water at Manly. It was chilly I wouldn't have wanted to go in....
I went to Spiro Camp on Thursday. It was awesome. We were up at the base of the Blue Mountains. I can't even begin to explain how beautiful it was up there. I didn't really like the speaker but I loved the worship. The band is so talented and they sang a lot of Hillsong Church songs that I really liked. We came back on Friday afternoon, we were all really tired. So I decided to stay home and watch a movie that night. We got back to the aparment just in time for dinner.

A Kangaroo! They had some at the Spiro Camp...

I took this pic while I was watching Derek play Rugby...It was so beautiful there!
Derek came over then and we all watched "Step Up." I love that movie, the dancing is so amazing. Haylee (my housemate) is a dancer so she really enjoyed it. Then Derek and I just hung out and talked for the night until Gail drove him home. She was going to an Organic Food Market at 1:30 anyway. I actually got to sleep in the next day....which was nice because I had been waking up really early every day since we got here, jet-lag and all. It helped to sleep in.
I went over to Dereks on Saturday so we could head into Sydney on our date at Darling Harbour. We went to the Aquarium and it was so awesome! They had all of the Australian animals there. They had these sweet underwater walkways where you could watch the seals and sharks swim up above you. It was really scary but alot of fun. They also had this Great Barrrier Reef Exibit which had a lot of fish and coral in it. That was sweet because they had all of the fish from finding nemo in there. It was so cool to see the actual fish.

A pic of derek and I when we were in the Underwater Seal Tunnel
Then Derek and I went out to eat at this place called Blackbird Cafe in Darling Harbour. It had good food and great music. I really enjoyed just hanging out without the whole group of ASCers because sometimes it can be just a little overwhelming.
On Sunday I just slept in and then started on some homework for Monday. Then Derek came over and we watched "Under the Tuscan Sun" which is a funny movie. After that was over we went out to the mall because we needed to get an art book for class and I needed to get a calling card. We came back and finished our homework and then had dinner. We watched the notebook, which is one of my favorites.
All in all I would have to say that it was a good and relaxing weekend. I have photography tomorrow and I'm really excited because I think that is going to be my favorite class.
Well I'm off to bed...
We went to Manly Beach for one of the ASCers birthday. We met up with them after taking the ferry there, we were late because we missed the bus to the train station. It was a bit of at trek considering we had to walk to the train station and then take a train and then a ferry just to get there. But it was a fun time. We all bonded over the experience of having to walk 30 min to the train.
On of the other students actually went in the water at Manly. It was chilly I wouldn't have wanted to go in....
I went to Spiro Camp on Thursday. It was awesome. We were up at the base of the Blue Mountains. I can't even begin to explain how beautiful it was up there. I didn't really like the speaker but I loved the worship. The band is so talented and they sang a lot of Hillsong Church songs that I really liked. We came back on Friday afternoon, we were all really tired. So I decided to stay home and watch a movie that night. We got back to the aparment just in time for dinner.
A Kangaroo! They had some at the Spiro Camp...
I took this pic while I was watching Derek play Rugby...It was so beautiful there!
Derek came over then and we all watched "Step Up." I love that movie, the dancing is so amazing. Haylee (my housemate) is a dancer so she really enjoyed it. Then Derek and I just hung out and talked for the night until Gail drove him home. She was going to an Organic Food Market at 1:30 anyway. I actually got to sleep in the next day....which was nice because I had been waking up really early every day since we got here, jet-lag and all. It helped to sleep in.
I went over to Dereks on Saturday so we could head into Sydney on our date at Darling Harbour. We went to the Aquarium and it was so awesome! They had all of the Australian animals there. They had these sweet underwater walkways where you could watch the seals and sharks swim up above you. It was really scary but alot of fun. They also had this Great Barrrier Reef Exibit which had a lot of fish and coral in it. That was sweet because they had all of the fish from finding nemo in there. It was so cool to see the actual fish.
A pic of derek and I when we were in the Underwater Seal Tunnel
Then Derek and I went out to eat at this place called Blackbird Cafe in Darling Harbour. It had good food and great music. I really enjoyed just hanging out without the whole group of ASCers because sometimes it can be just a little overwhelming.
On Sunday I just slept in and then started on some homework for Monday. Then Derek came over and we watched "Under the Tuscan Sun" which is a funny movie. After that was over we went out to the mall because we needed to get an art book for class and I needed to get a calling card. We came back and finished our homework and then had dinner. We watched the notebook, which is one of my favorites.
All in all I would have to say that it was a good and relaxing weekend. I have photography tomorrow and I'm really excited because I think that is going to be my favorite class.
Well I'm off to bed...
Thursday, July 26, 2007
On the Run.....
Ok this is going to be short and sweet because it's already 12:30 here and I need to head to bed because were waking up at 6am tomorrow to go to SPIRO Camp, from thursday to friday. It's spiritual emphasis camp that the Wesley Institute sponsors and the whole school goes. I think it should be interesting and I have heard good things about it. Plus were going to have one on one time with the Australians and get to know more of them =]
Well today, wednesday, was interesting. I went to meet derek at the concord house and then we went to the mall. We got a phone while were here because it was going to end up being cheaper than calling eachother to meet up on the landlines. Everything is so expensive here. I guess I just really didn't believe it when everyone told me how expensive it was.
Then we had "the gathering" which is there type of chapel. It was really interesting, I liked to see how different there chapel was from ours back in the states. I guess to could say they were more charasmatic and parts of it seemed like a concert. But the part that didn't make it seem like it was a concert was that they were so into it. You could really tell that they meant everything that they were singing, the australians have such an energetic feel to them. It's hard not to catch on.
I had my only class of the day which was arts and culture. It was really interesting, we have two papers, along with all of my other ones. I think I want to get some of them out of the way soon because I am feeling really overwhelmed with all the work. Especially in my ASC class, they gave us the most work out of all of them.
After class we came back to eat with Gail (my host mum) and then we (the housemates) were off again. We had to walk to the bus station because we missed our bus (We always seem to miss that bus) it took us about 30 min to walk. Then we met Derek and Kory at the Quay and took a ferry over to Manly to meet some of the ASCers for Beckas birthday. We went to the beach and just hung out there. It wasn't that cold so it was nice....
Well I have to get some sleep, I will update you on how SPIRO camp was when I get back on Friday!
Well today, wednesday, was interesting. I went to meet derek at the concord house and then we went to the mall. We got a phone while were here because it was going to end up being cheaper than calling eachother to meet up on the landlines. Everything is so expensive here. I guess I just really didn't believe it when everyone told me how expensive it was.
Then we had "the gathering" which is there type of chapel. It was really interesting, I liked to see how different there chapel was from ours back in the states. I guess to could say they were more charasmatic and parts of it seemed like a concert. But the part that didn't make it seem like it was a concert was that they were so into it. You could really tell that they meant everything that they were singing, the australians have such an energetic feel to them. It's hard not to catch on.
I had my only class of the day which was arts and culture. It was really interesting, we have two papers, along with all of my other ones. I think I want to get some of them out of the way soon because I am feeling really overwhelmed with all the work. Especially in my ASC class, they gave us the most work out of all of them.
After class we came back to eat with Gail (my host mum) and then we (the housemates) were off again. We had to walk to the bus station because we missed our bus (We always seem to miss that bus) it took us about 30 min to walk. Then we met Derek and Kory at the Quay and took a ferry over to Manly to meet some of the ASCers for Beckas birthday. We went to the beach and just hung out there. It wasn't that cold so it was nice....
Well I have to get some sleep, I will update you on how SPIRO camp was when I get back on Friday!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Give way.....
So we officially started school this week and it has been hectic. I started the week off on Monday with our ASC class which is The View from Australia. It seems like it would be pretty interesting. Then I had Photography which was AMAZING! I can't even wait for that class. I wish I could take all photography. Our prof is so awesome, he really has fun with us since we are a small group of about 8 people.
Then on Tuesday I had Old Testament and Theological Foundations. I have a feeling those two classes are going to test my limits. Both are three hours long and to me they just drag on. The only good thing about Old Testament is that it's getting me to read it. I am actually excited because I think I am going to start my devotions our second book Ruth. It's short so i am hoping that I can really delve into it.
Tomorrow I have "The Gathering" which is a chapel for the whole school at 1PM. Then I have a two hour break and my Arts and Culture Class at 4. It should be interesting but at least I get to sleep in tomorrow and possible have a chance of getting over this jet-lag that is still in my system.
On Thursday till Friday we have SPIRO CAMP which is spiritual emphasis camp. The whole school is welcome and I think that we just listen to a speaker and get to hang out with the aussie students. I am really excited that I get to meet more of them.
I went to the Concord House tonight, where Derek and Jess live, with my housemate Kara. We got to hang out with the other australians. Kara was playing dutch blitz with them, which is there new favorite game (besides ultimate frisbee) because there last house parents were from the states and taught them a bunch of the games. It was fun to just be able to hang out with them. Sometimes it gets a little quiet here at the apartment so it's nice that they Concord Dorms are only a 25-30 min walk away from me.
I would have to say if you asked me right now what I would describe my experience here as so far, I would have to say overwhelming. This has been the most overwhelming past 5 days of my life. There has been so much information thrown at us that sometimes it is just so hard to focus. I hope that once the semester gets underway that it will become second nature to us. I always forget that this study abroad program is just like freshman year all over again.
Well the Jet-lag is kicking in again so I am going to have to head off...
p.s. I'll update the photos from the bbq dinner and the botanical gardens soon......
Then on Tuesday I had Old Testament and Theological Foundations. I have a feeling those two classes are going to test my limits. Both are three hours long and to me they just drag on. The only good thing about Old Testament is that it's getting me to read it. I am actually excited because I think I am going to start my devotions our second book Ruth. It's short so i am hoping that I can really delve into it.
Tomorrow I have "The Gathering" which is a chapel for the whole school at 1PM. Then I have a two hour break and my Arts and Culture Class at 4. It should be interesting but at least I get to sleep in tomorrow and possible have a chance of getting over this jet-lag that is still in my system.
On Thursday till Friday we have SPIRO CAMP which is spiritual emphasis camp. The whole school is welcome and I think that we just listen to a speaker and get to hang out with the aussie students. I am really excited that I get to meet more of them.
I went to the Concord House tonight, where Derek and Jess live, with my housemate Kara. We got to hang out with the other australians. Kara was playing dutch blitz with them, which is there new favorite game (besides ultimate frisbee) because there last house parents were from the states and taught them a bunch of the games. It was fun to just be able to hang out with them. Sometimes it gets a little quiet here at the apartment so it's nice that they Concord Dorms are only a 25-30 min walk away from me.
I would have to say if you asked me right now what I would describe my experience here as so far, I would have to say overwhelming. This has been the most overwhelming past 5 days of my life. There has been so much information thrown at us that sometimes it is just so hard to focus. I hope that once the semester gets underway that it will become second nature to us. I always forget that this study abroad program is just like freshman year all over again.
Well the Jet-lag is kicking in again so I am going to have to head off...
p.s. I'll update the photos from the bbq dinner and the botanical gardens soon......
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Do you come from a land down under?
Well I thought that I should update you on the last couple days....
On Friday we had the last of our orientation and we didn't get out till 5PM. It was a long day and most of us were still jet lagged. We got our schedules and all of that good stuff. Then we ended up deciding to meet in the city and hang out. We were supposed to meet up with the whole group but me and my housemates missed the bus and had to wait 20 minutes for the next one and then take the train into the circular quey. We got there a bit late so the people were already gone. So we decided to just walkabout. We were walking towards the harbour and wanted to take some pictures. I happened to spot the group so we hooked up with them and went to Pancakes on the Rocks. Its open all night and has amazing pancakes! Then we walked around the city and headed home because we were all crashing pretty fast....

My two housemates and going on the train into Sydney!
On Saturday we had the last of our orientation. After a long meeting we went into the city and had a picture scavenger hunt of a bunch of sites in the city. It was fun but I think I pulled a muscle in my leg. AHHH! it hurt but I'll be fine! =]
Then we went on a Cruise around the Sydney harbour and it was Amazing!!!!

sydney harbour bridge...

opera house...

Mary and Matt being silly...

Our director Kimberly posing......

luna park...
We went out to eat after the cruise and had a fun time but we were all pretty tired again when the night was over.
On Sunday Derek and I went into Sydney for a date since we finally had day off, we went and visited the botanical gardens. It was Beautiful! So much fun to just walk around and not worry about being somewhere and having to do something every second. We went to McCafe which is McDonalds here.....it was not the same (weird mayo on the burger) so I have decided not to eat anywhere that I know because I will only be dissapointed. Then we headed over to the rocks because there was this Aroma Festival going on, you could taste coffee for a dollar a cup. There were people singing and everything, it was awesome I didn't try any coffee but it was fun to walk around and everything! We also walked around the Rocks Market, its like an outdoor street fair, it was super fun to look around at, had some fun stuf I might pick up before I head back to the states.
Then we went back to dereks dorm and hung out with some aussies, and just chilled. Later on, we came back to my apartment for dinner with my house mum, my housemates and jess who lives with derek. It was fun!
Well classes start tomorrow, so I should head off to bed.
p.s. the picture option isnt quite working yet I'll have to figure this out but when I do I will upload a bunch so you can see them all ....
On Friday we had the last of our orientation and we didn't get out till 5PM. It was a long day and most of us were still jet lagged. We got our schedules and all of that good stuff. Then we ended up deciding to meet in the city and hang out. We were supposed to meet up with the whole group but me and my housemates missed the bus and had to wait 20 minutes for the next one and then take the train into the circular quey. We got there a bit late so the people were already gone. So we decided to just walkabout. We were walking towards the harbour and wanted to take some pictures. I happened to spot the group so we hooked up with them and went to Pancakes on the Rocks. Its open all night and has amazing pancakes! Then we walked around the city and headed home because we were all crashing pretty fast....
My two housemates and going on the train into Sydney!
On Saturday we had the last of our orientation. After a long meeting we went into the city and had a picture scavenger hunt of a bunch of sites in the city. It was fun but I think I pulled a muscle in my leg. AHHH! it hurt but I'll be fine! =]
Then we went on a Cruise around the Sydney harbour and it was Amazing!!!!
sydney harbour bridge...
opera house...
Mary and Matt being silly...
Our director Kimberly posing......
luna park...
We went out to eat after the cruise and had a fun time but we were all pretty tired again when the night was over.
On Sunday Derek and I went into Sydney for a date since we finally had day off, we went and visited the botanical gardens. It was Beautiful! So much fun to just walk around and not worry about being somewhere and having to do something every second. We went to McCafe which is McDonalds here.....it was not the same (weird mayo on the burger) so I have decided not to eat anywhere that I know because I will only be dissapointed. Then we headed over to the rocks because there was this Aroma Festival going on, you could taste coffee for a dollar a cup. There were people singing and everything, it was awesome I didn't try any coffee but it was fun to walk around and everything! We also walked around the Rocks Market, its like an outdoor street fair, it was super fun to look around at, had some fun stuf I might pick up before I head back to the states.
Then we went back to dereks dorm and hung out with some aussies, and just chilled. Later on, we came back to my apartment for dinner with my house mum, my housemates and jess who lives with derek. It was fun!
Well classes start tomorrow, so I should head off to bed.
p.s. the picture option isnt quite working yet I'll have to figure this out but when I do I will upload a bunch so you can see them all ....
Thursday, July 19, 2007
landing down under.....
I am officially in Sydney, Australia now. The time here is 7:33 PM, I am extremely jet lagged and don't know how much longer I will be able to stay awake. It is about 5 in the morning in NYC and we have been moving non-stop since we got here.
Flight #1: 5 hours and 30 min
Flight #2: 12 hours and 45 min
Flight #3: 3 hours and 30 minutes
all in all totally worth it for spending 4 months in Sydney.
We got here this morning at 10:30 sydney time and it was July 19 because we skipped a day coming over here. Actually on the 18th it was someones birthday on the plane so his birthday actually got skipped completely. As soon as we landed we got put on a bus and taken to the College where we will be studying for the next four months. It is such a cool campus but totally not what you would expect. It literally takes 1 minute to walk from one side of the campus to the other. On our tour of the campus we were shown all the cool places to frequent during your breaks from classes. They call the as station that they like to pick up snacks at the SERV-O.
We then did the normal meet and greet games and then were sent off to email the family quickly...
My homestay mom picked me and four other students up at the campus. Her apartment is awesome and she even has her own terrace. We are about a 15 min drive from campus and a 40 min bus ride to campus.
Tomorrow we have to wake up early and head in for Orientation. I actually should head to bed because jet lag is kicking in quick.
I will take some pictures tomorrow of the campus and the apartment and post them....
Flight #1: 5 hours and 30 min
Flight #2: 12 hours and 45 min
Flight #3: 3 hours and 30 minutes
all in all totally worth it for spending 4 months in Sydney.
We got here this morning at 10:30 sydney time and it was July 19 because we skipped a day coming over here. Actually on the 18th it was someones birthday on the plane so his birthday actually got skipped completely. As soon as we landed we got put on a bus and taken to the College where we will be studying for the next four months. It is such a cool campus but totally not what you would expect. It literally takes 1 minute to walk from one side of the campus to the other. On our tour of the campus we were shown all the cool places to frequent during your breaks from classes. They call the as station that they like to pick up snacks at the SERV-O.
We then did the normal meet and greet games and then were sent off to email the family quickly...
My homestay mom picked me and four other students up at the campus. Her apartment is awesome and she even has her own terrace. We are about a 15 min drive from campus and a 40 min bus ride to campus.
Tomorrow we have to wake up early and head in for Orientation. I actually should head to bed because jet lag is kicking in quick.
I will take some pictures tomorrow of the campus and the apartment and post them....
Monday, July 16, 2007
You have to go there to come back...
In just about 2 days I will be heading down under to Australia! On July 17th I will be traveling on a 14 hour flight over to Sydney. I will be posting on here about my travels and thoughts while I am down under. So keep checking back here to see some photos and just hear about my time in Australia. =]
Especially considering I won't have a phone and the time difference deal.
In just about 2 days I will be heading down under to Australia! On July 17th I will be traveling on a 14 hour flight over to Sydney. I will be posting on here about my travels and thoughts while I am down under. So keep checking back here to see some photos and just hear about my time in Australia. =]
Especially considering I won't have a phone and the time difference deal.
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